Obama Accomplishments

" Here is a list of President Obama's accomplishments in the past 2 1/2 yrs - all in the face of unrelenting Republican opposition "

• advanced women's rights in the workplace

• resuscitated America's economy with 2.5 million jobs and a push toward a full ( but yet unrealized ) recovery

• recapitalized US banks

• saved the american auto industry and over 1m jobs

• pay back of TARP to US government

• rebuilt America's image abroad

• expanded food safety laws

• appointed two pro-choice women supreme court justices

• began withdrawals from iraq & afghanistan with timetables for complete departure

• record number of al qaeda leadership killed

• led the largest multi-national effort to reign in "loose nukes" and other weapons of mass destruction

• first time drone strikes against terrorist networks in Palistan and the horn of Africa

• lowering of middle class taxes

• awarded nobel peace prize 2009

• healthcare reform --- near universal healthcare via combination of public & private insurance ( eliminated the travesty of pre-conditions & recisions )

• expanded the CHIPS program

• increased funding for alternative energy --- solar, wind, geo-thermal

• abolished DADT

• largest funding of high speed rail corridors in US history


• reigned in the credit card industry and many of it's abuses

• brokered historic arms agreement with Russia

• passed Dodd/Frank financial reform

• increased availability of student loans & the lowering of loan interest rates

• made BP accountable for gulf oil spill --- $20b fund

• battled unprecedented republican obstruction

• record increase in funding for trade schools & junior colleges... job retraining

• renounced torture as part off American foreign policy

• increased the authority of the EPA

• created a special division of the justice department for the prosecution of wall street criminals

• declared a moratorium on offshore drilling

• supported the "Arab spring" and the fall of Qaddafi

• signed record spending cuts w/o touching medicare, medicaid, & social security

• made a major committment to restructure loans and deal with home foreclosures inspite of banking and Republican obstruction

• revived international trust in american foreign policy

• coupled a policy of compassion for existing undocumented workers and their families with strengthened US borders against illegal immigration

• increased crackdown on illegal employers

• dropped justice department support of DOMA

• expanded veteran's benefits

• restored confidence in FEMA's effectiveness

• extended benefits for 911 responders

• created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

• extension of unemployment benefits to ninety nine weeks for the hardest economically hit americans

• passed the Hate Crimes bill